Redefining Your Story Starts Here
Our Mission
Opening a door is more than just a nice gesture. It is an invitation and a show of support. That open door connects us to people and lets them know that we care enough about them to allow them to go before us. Here at the Open Door Project, our goal is to provide more than just apartments. Our goal is to provide residents with the opportunity to experience genuine support in the midst of a difficult time. What if we could leverage the power of the communities that we create every school year? What if we could inspire our residents to make a real impact beyond dropping a few coins in a donation bucket? The need has been around us and will always be there; but instead of accepting the need as immutable, what if we actually attempted to initiate change, one door at a time.
The Open Door Project is our solution to being so much more than just another management company. We have over 41,000 beds under management in 33 States and utilizing that reach to connect with residents in a truly impactful way is the first step in our mission. With your help, we will roll out a marketing campaign that will live on well past renewal and leasing season and become the norm to not only the Cardinal name but also your communities culture.
Colorado Christian University
We got the chance to interview Alex and he opened up about all of the trials and tribulations he had been through in his life from being raised by his grandparents, to undergoing 3 separate brain surgeries which ultimately took his vision, to dealing with family members battling addiction and sadly ending their own lives, to a house fire that took everything away from him, and just recently losing his grandfather who he looked up to as a father figure.
The weight of all of these things in such a young persons life would be too much to handle for most, but Alex is different. He doesn’t want people to feel sorry for him because of these struggles, he doesn't see himself as different because of his vision impairment, he sees these as opportunities to help others in similar situations. He channels his sorrows and frustrations into his faith and his music and he wants to encourage other people to find healthy outlets when the odds may look stacked against them.
Get ready to meet Alex, we have a feeling after you watch, you will understand what we mean.
East High School, 12th Grade
When I was little, my father was put in jail and my mother was left to care for myself and my siblings alone. When my mother got sick and couldn’t work, I was the rock that kept our family together. Even if we didn’t have a roof over our heads some nights, I did my best to stay strong for my siblings. My father came back into the picture in the 7th grade, but it was short lived. My entire life “home” was a variable instead of a constant. Occasionally, we have been able to live for a short time with a family member, but 8 people in a studio apartment didn’t make for the best living environment for any of us.
I am now 17 and through all the jumping around in my life I’ve attended over 30 different schools and have grown accustomed to the instability. I was grateful to find the Colorado Uplift and can’t imagine where I would be right now without them. My Mom works to provide for my siblings and I, but my mentors at Uplift keep me strong. Cory is one of my mentors and he is like the Uncle and role model I never had. I also owe so much to Momma Q, another one of my mentors who filled in that motherly role for me. She taught me what a strong business woman looks like and encourages me to chase my dreams. Going to school is my escape and I enjoy the challenge of learning new things. I want to be an example for my younger siblings and not let the hard life I’ve been dealt define my future. I go back and forth on where I want my life to go but I know I can be something more. I am very passionate about nails, skin, and hair care and would love to go to a beauty school and own my own business one day, but I also wonder what it would be like to attend a University and get my degree. Wherever life takes me, I hope that I can grow from the struggles in my life and help my younger siblings do the same.
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From Renewals
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